Pet Puja: How Do You Prevent Your Stress From Affecting Your Dog?

otw_shortcode_info_box border_style=”bordered” css_class=”boxed”]Shirin Merchant is India’s pioneering Canine Behaviourist and Trainer. For the past 25 years, she has worked hard to ensure that dogs in India are trained using reward-based methods.[/otw_shortcode_info_box] Many of you have written in to me, telling me how upset or depressed you are with the current situation and that you are […]

Hush Puppy!

“Arf! Woof! Awhhooo! Rrruff!” It’s 5 am and that wretched dog is at it again! Fuming you wonder what has triggered off the barking frenzy this time. But before you fling your pillow at him, stop and listen. Perhaps he is trying to tell you something. Dogs are social creatures and use barking as a […]