Homeopathy & You – FAQs

Q.: My 24-year-old daughter was happy go-lucky but now keeps to herself, is alone and silent – moreso with her irregular periods. She’s been treated earlier for hyperacidity, but it keeps returning no sooner than it gets relieved. She’s also unhappy at her workplace. Please advice.
Dr. Batra: Your daughter is showing symptoms of depression, known to affect more women than men. I’d suggest you let her be until she wants to talk to you about her problem, if any. Let her know you’re there for her always. Speak to a medical professional, if her moods and seclusion worsens. In the meanwhile, give her Cyclamen Europaeum 200C, 4 to 5 pills, twice

Q.: I’m 43 and suffering from irritable bowel syndrome [IBS] for the last 22 years. It all started with black stools for three days. After this, there would be a terrible pain in the lower part of the stomach, whenever I’d eat. I had to go to the toilet to relieve myself immediately [2 to 3 times daily]. A number of allopathic doctors thought it was colitis but only after a while was it diagnosed with IBS, by a gastroenterologist. Please suggest a suitable homeopathic treatment for me.
Dr. Batra: Homeopathy offers safe, effective treatment for IBS. I’d suggest that you speak to a local professional homeopathic physician who would be in the best position to treat your condition, based on your physical, mental and genetic make-up, or symptom-picture. For symptomatic relief, try Argentum Nitricum 30C, 4 to 5 pills once a day, followed by Magnesium Phosphoricum 6X, 2 to 4 tablets, twice a day.

Q.: My father, aged 54, is suffering from Hepatitis C for the past four years. He has loss of appetite and weakness. Please help.
Dr. Batra: Hepatitis C is an infectious disease affecting the liver. It gives rise to symptoms, such as decreased appetite, fatigue, abdominal pain, jaundice, itching, etc. Your father shouldn’t take vitamins, nutritional supplements or over-the-counter [OTC] medications without discussing them with his doctor. He should avoid alcohol. All patients with Hepatitis C should be immunised against Hepatitis A and B too. Homeopathic remedies can help symptomatically. A detailed case-study is required — this is best done at a local homeopath’s clinic.

Q.: My ten-year-old son has several small, reddish eruptions on his neck and back since a few weeks. This happens every summer. Please advice.
Dr. Batra: Your son seems to be suffering from miliaria rubra, commonly known as prickly heat. This normally occurs in hot and humid conditions and when the sweat gland ducts get plugged due to dead skin cells or bacteria and sweat gets trapped within, leading to irritation and formation of eruptions. Ideally, the problem can be managed by taking frequent cold showers, using talcum powder, wearing loose cotton clothes and minimising activities that can lead to excess sweating. If the itching is too much, you can take Natrum Sulphuricum 6X, 2 to 4 tablets twice daily.

Dr. Mukesh Batra
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