The birthday of Lord Zoroaster is celebrated as a mini New Year among the community. He was perhaps the first prophet we know, who specifically gave a moral character and direction to religion. Even though today it is the smallest of the major religions of the world based on the number of its adherents, it is historically the most important.
Though surrounded by believers in efficacy of bloodstained magical rituals, He emancipated religion from the exclusive narrowness of the tribal gods and embraced the worship of one supreme God – Ahura Mazda – the God of Wisdom. The Zoroastrian ideal has bequeathed the concept of cosmic struggle between right and wrong, between good and evil. Human beings have two mentalities – the first is ‘Spenta Mainyu’ – the progressive mentality which creates, maintains and promotes the universe, if man selects this path, he attains peace, improves himself and the world around him; and the second is ‘Angra Mainyu’ – the retarding mentality which causes harm and destroys the world around man. The wise would choose and promote the better mentality to become spiritually perfect and eternally godlike.
Zoroastrianism lays emphasis on free will and sound discrimination of people. Each person, guided by a good mind and good conscience, should work towards betterment of self, fellow human beings and the world around him. Happiness comes to a person who gives happiness to others.
Three Basic Moral Principles That Guide The Life Of A Zoroastrian:
1. Humata or Good Thoughts – Each human being possesses the quality of Good Mind – Vohu-Mana – which enables him to grasp Asha- the ideal truth. This moral awareness is termed as Humata – Good Thoughts.
2. Hukhta or Good Words – When appropriate thinking is formulated, it is articulated in Good Words. Words are powerful weapons which can cause irreparable damage, or heal the mind and body.
3. Hvarshta or Good Deeds – The moral resolution of the good mind inspires one to do the right deeds. Spenta Armaity, referred to as benevolence or right mindedness, is the inspiration that leads to right action.
One is free to act on his free will using these three principles and following the law of
The Sevenfold Expressions Of Divine Reality Called Amesha Spenta Or The Divine Immortals:
1. ‘Ahura Mazda’ – the Lord who is the creator of all.
2. ‘Vohu Mana’ – the good mind of divine wisdom.
3. ‘Spenta Armaity’ – the attitude of piety and devotion.
4. ‘Asha Vahistha’ – the highest truth referred to as righteousness.
5. ‘Khshathra Vairyo’ – the kingdom of heaven, an ideal society of ultimate perfection.
6. ‘Haurvatat’ – associated with the element water, is a state of complete well-being.
7. ‘Ameretat’ – the state of immortal bliss.
Ahuna Vairio commonly called Yatha Ahu Vairio, our emblematic opening stanza in prayer, is the magic mantra, a talisman, which enables to deliver good and destroy the evil forces. This simple prayer gives guidance to select the right person as our leader who can lead us to truth, peace, progress and immortality.
Ashem Vohu, the main motto for righteousness is often repeated at the end of mostly all prayers. Happiness be the lot of him, who works for the happiness of others.
The five Gathas of the Avesta are the divinely inspired words of Asho Zarathushtra, the holiest of the holy. These reveal the primal principles of life. A comprehensive study of the Gathas presents authentic and valuable guidelines for a sound mental, physical, spiritual and material life on this good earth and beyond. The divinely enlightened Zarathushtra had a vision that all rules can become not only cumbersome, but will be an obstruction to the changing and progressing world. The Gathas have never indulged in details of what one must do or must not do. They just stimulate one’s thinking faculty to maintain an ever fresh, modern life. One finds them spiritually inspiring, mentally awakening, physically refreshing and practically guiding.
Zarathushtra proclaimed that religion has its truth in its moral significance and not in external practices. Such an elevated concept of religion, uttered with such high conviction, revealing the truth to all humanity, is unique in the history of religion belonging to such an early dawn of civilisation. His voice is still a living voice. As long as humanity has existence on this universe, his voice can never be silenced.
Violence, fury and terror practised by intolerant fanatics in the name of religion must be abolished. Life on this earth must be led in peace, prosperity and progress. The religion of good conscience, the Gathic name for Zoroastrian religion is universal and for all. Like the rays of the sun that is for all, the light of truth that is the message of religion, is for all humanity across the distance of time and space to unite far and near. On the auspicious day of Khordad Saal and forever on, let the divine message of the Holy, pass on beyond the small circle to reach the entire humanity.
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