Great Articles By Ruby
As soon as Parsi Times is out every Saturday, I eagerly scan the paper for articles by Ruby Lilaowala – a brilliant columnist, a fantastic writer. We Parsis are blessed to have her. The article today was a laugh a line type. I and my wife Zarina read this and laughed so much – a great way to start a Saturday morning!
Ruby made quite a few points – about how we Parsis must turn into sons and daughters of the soil and turn more organic, breed more children also about intense feelings for maids, which is even more than what we feel for our brothers or sisters or fathers or mothers!! I love Ruby’s priceless humour and good sense.
This Saturday’s Parsi Times was indeed a gem and a collectable!
Mehernosh Shroff (
Inspiring Article By Dasturji Dr. Maneckji Naserwanji Dhalla of Karachi
The article, ‘Let Me Rise Early With Bright Ushah’s Dawn” is very inspiring. Dasturji you have made my day! In this article he talks of creating additional extra two hours by waking up in the morning, praying long to almighty and living a healthy 70 plus years instead of tossing and turning in our beds. He also describes nature’s most beautiful moment i.e. dawn when the sky lights up and candles die out…the chirping of birds…the croak of cock and moos of the cattle.
Thank you for inspiring all our youth through your lovely article and summarising, that apart from prayers, one can be quiet and alone and spend an hour with Thee and lay out the day’s plan under the guidance and inspiration of Ahura Mazda. My good wishes to Dasturji for giving us meaningful lessons of life.
Dr. Gev Dalal (
Re: Parsi Civil Engineer For Wadiaji Atash Behram
Not many in our community may be aware that there is The Parsee Engineers’ & Architects’ Union. Its office is located at National Insurance Building, 2nd floor, 27, Amrut Keshav Naik Marg, Mumbai 400001. Tel. (022) 22072344 [Opp. Excelsior Cinema]. It is one of the hundreds of Parsi institutions detailed in the ‘All India Directory of Parsi Institutions – 2nd edition 2015’ compiled by the undersigned. It is published by and available from N M Wadia Charities, N M Wadia Building, 123, Mahatma Gandhi Road, Fort, Mumbai. e-mail:
Parsi engineers and architects may contact the office of the Union for details of membership. Let us utilize the resources available to us for the progress of our community and our country.
Marzban Giara
Lifesaving Smoke Detector/Alarm
This has reference to the recent accident and loss of life of a Parsi doctor, Late Kekoo Kavarana, due to fire in his home, caused by a fault in the air-conditioning system. Such accidents take place from time to time, which can be avoided by installing smoke detector/alarm system in air-conditioned space. It costs less than Rupees Five Thousand and is available in the market. It can be installed by an electricians. It is very important to test the smoke detector/ alarm system by generating smoke by burning Sukhad/Loban/Agarbattis, periodically.
Savak Balsara (Bandra)
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