Er. Cawas Bagli, Head Priest, DPA invited two newly ordained Navars, 12-year-olds – Jehan Madon and Malcolm Bajan – to join him in the Muktad prayers at Delhi’s Dar-e-Meher. The young Mobeds praying with Er. Bagli has thus laid the foundation of a new generation of devoted Mobeds who will continue our religious prayers and rituals. The enthusiastic youngsters then attended a prayer recitation session, where Cawas Bagli enlightened them on pronunciations and voice intonations for the prayers. A wonderful new phase of revival and preservation of our prayers and heritage by our youngsters, greatly supported by their parents, marks a joyous beginning to Delhi’s Navroze festivities.
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This is wonderful news. May Er. Bagli be Blessed by Ahura Mazda for his devotion to our faith. I hope more and more Navars and Martabs do decide to serve the faith. God Bless them all