On 6th March, 2019, Google Arts and Culture launched ‘Once Upon a Try’ – the largest online exhibition about inventions and discoveries ever curated, comprising stories and knowledge from over 110 renowned institutions across 23 countries, including those from Parzor Foundation, highlighting millennia of major breakthroughs and the great minds behind them. People can now explore over 400 interactive exhibitions that pay tribute to humanity’s greatest leaps in science and technology progress, and the visionaries that shaped our world, as well as tales of epic fails and happy accidents. ‘Once Upon A Try’ also lets you dive into Street View to tour the sites of great discoveries, from deep underground inside CERN’s Large Hadron Collider, to high-in-the-sky onboard the International Space Station. You can zoom into more than 200,000 artifacts in high definition, including the first recorded map of the Americas from 1508, and Albert Einstein’s letters, never before published online.
Parzor Foundation contributes the exhibition, ‘Breaking New Ground: Darashaw Nosherwan’- the Story of Geologist Extraordinaire D.N. Wadia. The exhibition allows users a glimpse into the Indian Geologist’s life and his pioneering contribution to Indian and world geology. The exhibit includes images from the diaries he maintained on his field trips, his geological drawings and even a peek into his bookkeeping habits. Google Arts & Culture Technology will now allow this material including images from Professor Wadia’s personal rock collection, to be preserved for posterity. Online visitors can discover a special interactive story about the geologist pioneer Prof. DN Wadia with rare material to interest scientists, artists and just about anyone looking to study a fascinating life; as well as over 60 new archives and objects related to Prof. DN Wadia (courtesy Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology, Dehradun, photography by Krish Bhalla.)
Dr Shernaz Cama, Director of Parzor Foundation, said, “Our collaboration with the Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology and the innovative technology provided by this Google platform has allowed the work of Prof. D. N. Wadia to be made available for the benefit of the global geological and scientific community the world over. We are thrilled to be able to contribute to this global project with our exhibition on India’s forgotten Father of Geology.”
“Once Upon a Try is all about that first attempt, the idea, the journey of fulfilling a dream, and we hope it’ll give people that extra boost to find their very own eureka moment,” said Amit Sood, Director of Google Arts & Culture, which puts together the collections of more than 1,800 museums at your fingertips.
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