On 2nd July, 2019, Dr. Cyrus F. Hirjibehedin was felicitated with the Royal Microscopy Society (RMS) Gold Medal for Scanning Probe Microscopy, in Manchester, UK, for his work in STM microscopy when he was at University College of London at the London Center of Nanotechnology. The award was presented to him at the Microscopy and Microanalysis Conference – the largest meeting of the AFM, STM, and Scanning Probe Microscopies in the UK – for his “wonderful work on the physics of matter at atomic scale,” As per the MMC2019 post.
Dr. Hirjibehedin has made outstanding contributions to the field of Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM) through his study of atomic-scale quantum nanostructures, revealing new insights into low-dimensional systems. As a Professor of Physics, Chemistry, and Nanotechnology at University College London (UCL), he applied SPM techniques to study how the local environment affects the properties of quantum nanostructures at the atomic scale.
Internationally recognised as a leader in the SPM community, Dr. Hirjibehedin has given invited talks across prestigious global conferences, seminars, universities, government research laboratories and private companies. Dr. Hirjibehedin has played a leading role in both – the development of SPM techniques for the fabrication and spectroscopy of atomic-scale electronic and magnetic systems, as well as in advancing the understanding of quantum nanostructures.
Courtesy Parsi Khabar
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