What Not To Forget…
Dear Readers,
It’s the fun time of the year again! We welcome the much-awaited and well-deserved festive season with enthusiasm and great anticipation, after having weathered the grueling summer and disruptive rains. Even as this infectious positivity proves a great enabler in helping us forget and let go of negative thoughts, hurts and inclinations, there is something we must not forget – ‘Non nobis solum nati sumus’ – in the words of the greatest Roman orator, statesman and philosopher, Cicero – meaning, ‘Not for ourselves alone are we born’.
This festive season, let’s not forget to keep alive the legendary Parsi culture of helping those not as fortunate. It doesn’t always have to be with money, especially since money doesn’t always make a difference. Inclusion works wonders, especially for our seniors. Share your time, space, energy, emotions with those who need it. Connect with people, nurture relationships. You will get no greater Return On Investments.
It is said, doing nothing for others is the greatest undoing of ourselves. So, let’s not forget to share our joy and happiness with others… and watch it return manifold! And, for the health conscious already ruing the oncoming gastronomic fiesta, remember, there’s no exercise better for the heart, than reaching down and lifting people up!
Have a lovely weekend!
– Anahita
- The Joy of Giving – A Parsi Legacy - 15 February2025
- From The Editor’s Desk - 8 February2025
- That Time Starts NOW! - 1 February2025