Two days after the Tata Group pledged Rs 1,500 crore to fight the Coronavirus pandemic, Tripura’s Deputy CM, Jishnu Devvarma wrote to Tata Trusts Chairman, Ratan Tata, seeking material assistance to tackle the virus in the state. Devvarma’s wish list includes 100 ventilators, 50,000 Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) and alcohol-based hand sanitizers each, 1,00,000 N95 masks and 500 makeshift tents for patients.
An excerpt from the letter reads, “Tata Trusts has been a pioneer organization in stepping up to situations like this. The contribution of your organization to the North East Indian States also has been widely appreciated. I would like to bring to your kind attention about the requirement of following materials to prevent COVID-19 from becoming a huge outbreak in the State of Tripura.”
The deputy chief minister also said that his government has already adopted certain preventive steps to contain spread of the disease.
e state government asked people to maintain social distancing, stay indoors and avoid coming out of their homes unless it is required during the lockdown period.
No one has yet tested positive for positive for coronavirus in Tripura.
On Saturday, the Tata Group while pledging the funds to fight coronavirus said they will be utilised for providing protective equipment to medical personnel, respiratory systems for treating increasing cases, testing kits to boost testing in the country and setting up treatment facilities for those already infected. The group has also said that it will train health workers and the general public to empower them against coronavirus
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