We at Jiyo Parsi are collating information about Matrimonial Services.
As a small, diasporic community, we feel the need for our networking to expand globally bringing together our youth to make friends, as well as, possible partners. It would also help with networking about professional development and possible partners in the same profession or with similar interests.
Individuals or organizations involved in Parsi/Irani matrimony alliance or matrimonial services and would like to share their contact details, can WhatsApp or E-mail us on:
WhatsApp number: +91-9820158874 or +91-9372847419
Email: jiyoparsi151@gmail.com
Disclaimer: Information shared on our website is only a compilation of matrimonial services available, and is not directly connected to Jiyo Parsi or the programme. Jiyo Parsi will not be responsible for charges levied by individuals /organizations involved in matchmaking
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