TechKnow With Tantra: Photos With Phones!

In today’s times, more cameras are sold on phones than standalone! To improve upon your photos, log on to  Most high-end phones come with multiple cameras and a plethora of settings which can enhance your photographs to professional levels. Many of us do not even know the options and settings that exist, and how to use them. The website has articles like Phone Camera Basics, Phone camera tricks, Travel photography, Food photography and many more. The articles are grouped in 3 heads – Guides, Gear and Social Media Hacks. So log on and click away like an expert!

Yazdi Tantra

About Yazdi Tantra

Yazdi Tantra’s column is crafted for those of you who enjoy a bit of technology and love finding quirky things to do in this web and mobile savvy world. This entrepreneur celebrates his interest in the field of web based technologies with his columns and other websites like and Community centric Of course, his Parsi Times column is our favourite!

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