In a career spanning four decades, the world’s leading Homoeopath, Padma Shri Dr. Mukesh Batra, has revolutionised the way homeopathy is practiced today. The Founder-Chairman of Dr Batra’s™ Group – the first and largest homeopathy corporate worldwide, he has treated over a million patients, including Presidents, Prime Ministers and prominent film personalities and celebrities. He has authored several books and has been honoured with numerous fellowships and over 50 national and international awards, including the Padma Shri, one of India’s highest civilian honours.
Moody blues or depression is a part of life, more so in winter. It could be the reduced production of serotonin, the feel good chemical in the brain, and sunlight. The real problem lies in identifying depression and suppressing it with anti-depressant drugs. This often leads to a chronic state. Besides, anti-depressants don’t address the basis of our emotions and even interrupt the body’s natural healing response, causing side effects.
Homeopathy helps process depression quickly, as it resolves the probable cause of depression, while, simultaneously relieving and healing moody blues, without side effects. The homeopathic remedy, Ignatia, for example, relieves acute depression, safely and gently, helping you feel emotionally uplifted and in better control.
Homeopathy believes that symptoms are the body’s signals and unsuccessful attempts to re-establish balance and health. Symptoms should not be suppressed. Homeopathy analyses behavior and attitudes and then traces the distinctive patterns of depression. This helps to speed up its disappearance.
Homeopathy Remedies For The Winter Blues:
- Depression post loss of loved one: Ignatia 30c, 5 pills, once a day till symptoms persist
- Depression due to financial crisis: Nux vomica 200, 5 pills, 2 doses a day till symptoms persist
- Depression after delivery or abortion: Sepia 200, 5 pills , 2 doses a day till symptoms persist
- Depression after heart-break in love: Natrum mur 200, 5 pills, 2 doses a day till symptoms persist
(Important Note: Do not self-medicate, speak to your homeopath for relief from individual symptoms.)
Homeopathic remedies are prescribed based on each individuals’ uniqueness. For Eg., a patient – a bright, young man and successful management professional, had this uncanny tendency to get depressed quickly at work during winter. He would smoke heavily to counter the problem. While analyzing his case, I found that there was a strong sense of rejection, which dated back to past work experiences.
Here are a few Coping Tips:
- Minimize News Consumption: It’s good to stay informed about the on-going status of the Coronavirus. Don’t fall for fake news circulating on social media. Only trust authenticated news sources, once or twice a day.
- Create Routine Patterns: Getting comfortable with a routine helps you manage anxiety better.
- Stay Connected: A sense of connection is important for your physical and mental well-being. Use virtual mediums to stay in touch with your loved ones.
- Pay Heed To Your Needs: Eat healthy, engage in physical activities to stimulate your health and stay in touch with your loved ones.
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