– Instrumental In Saving Over 1,500 Lives! –
Setting the noble precedent of philanthropy and ‘giving’ for the community, California-based Er. Zarrir Bhandara truly leads by example when he says, “Live your religion – put prayers into practice.” As of 18th March, 2022, Er. Zarrir Bhandara has now donated platelets/plasma for the 501st time, saving over 1,503 lives at the American Redcross Center at Santa Ana, California, USA. He thanks everyone including the Redcross staff for helping him achieve this milestone. He hopes others will follow in his footsteps too and help save lives.
The real-life hero, Er. Zarrir Bhandara, is vegetarian by choice, and has dedicated his life to human welfare and social issues by giving selfless service to the causes he truly believes in. He has been instrumental in providing much religious succour to thousands of Zoroastrians by voluntarily serving the Zarathushti community of North America at the ZAC Atash-kadeh, and in India, for the past 50 years. He promotes the message of prophet Zarathushtra through his prayer services, religious classes, as well as by saving lives of humans and animals, among the Southern California community, for over three decades now.
During the pandemic, Er. Zarrir continued serving the community and society in his capacity as a religious leader and a humanitarian. He helped people heal through the power of prayers, visiting hospitals and ICUs, providing healing prayers. He also provided food, counselling and financial help to those in need, personally and through different associations. Every Sunday, he live-streamed our prayers and Humbandagi, reaching hundreds of Zoroastrians who were stuck at home and unable to visit the fire temples.
Er. Zarrir has been performing innumerable religious ceremonies like Jashans, Gahambars, Muktad prayers, Navjote/Sedreh Pushi, weddings and funerals, thus satiating the psychological and spiritual needs of our community during this challenging period. Kudos to Er. Zarrir Bhandara – a true Parsi, a true man of God!
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