On the occasion of World Hearing Day – 3rd March, 2023, a Hearing Camp was conducted in Panvel, by Vahishtai J. Daboo, the Founder and Principal Consultant of Integrated, Services for Listening and Spoken Language (a center for children) and Co-founder and Managing Trustee of VConnect Foundation, a parent support group for children with hearing loss.
Vahishtai Daboo and her colleague, Co-founder and Trustee of VConnect Foundation and an Audiologist and Speech Language /Pathologist – Fatema Jagmaag, conducted a helpful Hearing Camp for children with hearing loss, celebrating the essence of World Hearing Day, which aims to raise awareness on how to prevent deafness and hearing loss and to promote ear and hearing care across the world.
An LSLS (Listening and Spoken Language Specialist) Certified Audio-Visual Therapist (AVT), Vahishtai shared that children and adults, especially detected early, can be fitted with the most appropriate hearing device – cochlear implants or hearing aids, depending on the level of their hearing loss, to enable them to start listening.
In continuation with the WHO theme for World Hearing Day: ‘Ear and hearing care for all! Let’s make it a reality!’ Vahishtai propagates, “Safe listening for all means you must ensure that you are not blasting the music or using your earphones on a high volume, as that could damage your hearing. Let us all pledge to come together to make our hearing and listening a priority by ensuring we care for our ‘Ears And Hearing for All’ irrespective of the age – be it an infant, a child, a teenager, an adult or a senior citizen.”
Those looking for check-up or a consultation, can connect with Vahishtai Daboo for further guidance at: vahishtai@gmail.com (W: www.islsl.in)
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