Dr. Cyres Mehta, the nation’s leading Ophthalmologist, reckoned globally for his unparalleled genius and breakthroughs in the field of professional eye-care, was felicitated with the prestigious title: ‘Fellow Of The Collegium’ at the 81st Annual Conference of the All India Ophthalmological Society (AIOS – India’s most prominent Ophthalmological association), which was held at the Grand Hyatt Convention Centre, Kochi, from 11th to 14th May, 2023.
Hailed as the ‘International Hero Of Indian Ophthalmology’, Dr. Cyres Mehta was presented the award by Padma Shri and Padma Vibhushan awardee, Elattuvalapil Sreedharan, known as India’s ‘Metro-Man’, in the presence of Dr. Lalit Verma – Past President, AIOS; Dr. Harbans Lal – President, AIOS; Prof. Namrata Sharma – Secretary and now Scientific Chairman of the Society; Padmashri Dr. Ashok Grover – Head of the All India Collegium and other foreign dignitaries on the dais, from Egypt and the USA.
This eminent recognition – FAICO or ‘Fellow All India Collegium of Ophthalmology’ award is the Indian equivalent of the British FRCS Degree – is awarded to only two eye surgeons every year for their super speciality. Attended by over 7,000 eye surgeons from across 20 countries worldwide, this year, Dr. Cyres Mehta was the sole recipient of this award from Maharashtra, for his unmatched and pioneering work done in the field of Robotic Cataract Surgery. The FAICO recognition was instituted in 2014 by the AIOS as a super-speciality qualification. Every year, over a thousand eye-doctors appear for this for this coveted degree. The recipient of this award certifies that the recipient has performed exemplary service and pioneering work in the field for over 20 years.
Dr. Cyres Mehta is the Founder and Chief Surgeon of ‘Dr. Cyres Mehta’s International Eye Centre’, located in Colaba, Mumbai, which is equipped with the world’s leading, state-of-the-art eye equipment, and has been providing world class services and procedures. In his latest
Continuing his streak of ‘FIRSTS’, for India and Maharashtra, doing the community and the nation tremendously proud of his superlative achievements in terms of his skill as well as technology, in July 2022, Dr. Cyres acquired the very FIRST updated automated robotic AVEDRO Cornea System – which turned out to be a blessing for keratoconus patients and those unable to undergo lasik/smile number correction, as it restores better vision in just 90 seconds and is a painless procedure.
Here’s congratulating Dr. Cyres Mehta for consistently leading the way for the nation and the world, in the field of expert eye-care, with his genius and dedication.
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