Wreath Laying Ceremony Honouring Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw At Wellington

A wreath-laying ceremony was organised by the Madras Regimental Center (MRC) and Station Headquarter, Wellington, in the Nilgiris, on 27th June, 2023, to commemorate the 15th death anniversary of Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw.

On behalf of the tri-services fraternity, Lt. Gen. Virendra Vats, Commandant of the Defence Services Staff College (DSSC) laid a wreath at the final resting place of Manekshaw, at the Parsi Zoroastrian Cemetery, in Udhagamandalam, Ooty.

Manekshaw took over as Chief of Army Staff on 8th January, 1969. He is revered for having successfully crafted India’s greatest military triumph by leading the Indian Army into 1971 Operations, which resulted in the liberation of Bangladesh, within a short duration of 13 days.

Sam was known for his legendary wit and sense of humour even in the gravest of circumstances. During the Second World War, Sam had suffered serious bullet injuries. When an Australian surgeon asked him what happened, Sam, in his inimitable style replied, he had been kicked by a mule! The surgeon amused by the humour, said, “By Jove! You need to be saved!” Sam was operated and the bullets lodged in his lungs, liver and kidneys were successfully removed. Nearly fated to die then, Sam defied destiny and lived to a ripe old age.

In his exceptional and glorious 40-year military career, Manekshaw fought five wars – WW II; 1947 (Kashmir War against Pakistan and Afghan tribals); 1962 (Indo-Sino); 1965 (Indo-Pak); and 1971 (Indo-Pak).

He was the recipient of an array of eminent awards and honours:

  • 1942 – Military Cross (Gallantry)
  • 1968 – Padma Bhushan (Extraordinary service).
  • 1972 – Padma Vibhushan (1971 Victory).
  • In 1972, Nepal fêted Manekshaw as an honorary General of the Nepalese Army.
  • In January 1973, he was promoted to a 5-Star rank of a Field Marshall – the first ever Indian to receive this honour.
  • In 1977, he was awarded the Order of Tri Shakti Patta, First Class (an order of Knighthood of the Kingdom of Nepal)

Sam Manekshaw was the 8th Chief of the Army and India’s first Army officer to be promoted to the five-star rank of Field Marshal. His decorated military career spanned four decades, which witnessed the transition of our armed forces from the British India Army to the Indian Army.

Manekshaw had settled down at Wellington after active service. His association with the station goes back to the time when he was Commandant of Defence Services Staff College. He breathed his last on June 27, 2008.

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