Dear Readers,
By the time February rolls around, we’ve usually settled into the rhythm of the new year. The second month of the year signals the slow fading of all that festive buzz and excitement we’ve been indulging in over the past few months – all those navjotes, lagans, parties, celebrations, et al.
For some, February also brings a reckoning with those ambitious resolutions made in the hopeful glow of a fresh start. “2025 is going to be my year!” we whispered confidently to ourselves, as we made those resolutions which would finally transform us into our better versions.
Yet, by mid-January, many of those resolutions were abandoned almost as quickly as we abandon the paneer on the lagan-nu-patru when the sali-marghi is served! The good news? It’s never too late to start again. And the perfect time to start (or restart) is NOW!
Kudos to those who have stayed committed to their goals, delivering upon their promises with focus. More power to you! But for the rest of us, who are still awaiting motivation to hit us, or worse, who are fooling ourselves into the lull: “We still have the rest of the year ahead of us,” it’s time to wake up and smell the fudna-ni-choi!
If the past few years have taught us anything, it’s that self-care isn’t a luxury, it’s essential to our well-being and happiness. True well-being spans every aspect of life: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, financial, and intellectual. Us Parsis are genetically blessed with longevity, and we have much to live for! Prioritizing our health will ensure that we get to thrive, not just survive!
Many will cite ‘genuine’ excuses – we just don’t have time for self-care, caught up in the demands of work, family, and daily responsibilities. They would unfortunately have to learn the hard way, that those who are unable to find the time for self-care, will, sooner or later, have to find the time for illness.
So, do what it takes to make yourself a priority. Make the time! That time starts now!
Have a good weekend!
– Anahita
- From The Editor’s Desk - 8 February2025
- That Time Starts NOW! - 1 February2025
- Happy Republic Day! - 25 January2025