My Friend Arni

My friend of several decades, Arnavaz Rusi Tata, also known as the ‘Twinkle-toes Arni’ is a young lady of eighty years, or as the invitation to her 80th Birthday bash mentioned, ‘Arni is 18 with 62 years of experience!’ Arni confirms the adage that aging is a must for all, but growing old is a […]

Parsi Women Fly High

Throughout the Parsi-Zoroastrian history, Parsi women have all been high achievers – in Persia and India, and globally too! We had Artemisia of Halicarnassus (485 BCE) – Admiral of the Persian Navy and a lover of Xerxes I; there was Pantea Arteshbod (Aryash) – Commander of the legendary Immortal Army known as Persian Immortals or […]