Behram Yazad – The Destroyer Of Malice And Bestower Of Brilliant Happiness

PT: What does ‘Behram’ mean? Er. P. Karanjia: ‘Behram’ means permanent illumination, which He creates in this universe by dispelling all our difficulties, whether they are related to health, disputes, financial problems, litigation, domestic unrest, employment, debt and any spiritual adversities faced by a Zoroastrian devotee. For this reason we refer to Him as ‘Mushkel […]

Angel Sarosh Yazad – Part I

PT: What is the literal meaning of ‘Sarosh Yazad’? What does the name signify? Er. Karanjia: The name ‘Sarosh’ literally means obedience, taken from the Avesta root word ‘sru’, meaning ‘to hear, to obey.’ Ahura Mazda entrusted Sarosh Yazad with the responsibility of protecting the material world and human beings, hence he presides over our […]