Your Post Diwali Detoxification

Diwali or the Festival of Lights, undoubtedly brings light and happiness in our lives, being one of the biggest festivals of India. But considering the mounting air and noise pollution that envelopes the city, thanks to the incessant bursting of crackers, it has unfortunately become one of the most dreadful festival – especially for seniors […]

Dr. Mickey Mehta Presents

‘Go Green Wellness Treats, To Connect With 7 Billion Heart Beats’!!! . Celebrating his 50-something Birthday, our 30-something-looking health guru, India’s Wellness Maestro, Dr. Mickey Mehta, shares his Ten Commandments: Mickey Mehta’s initiative for a Disease-Free world. Mickey Mehta’s Wellness Revolution for Human Evolution Mickey Mehta says: ‘Let wellness be the Religion No. 1’ Mickey Mehta says: ‘Medicine Cures, Nature heals!’ Mickey Mehta says: ‘Sleep […]

Coping With Anxiety

What a wonderful place the world would be if everyone worked in harmony and everything went as planned. Instead, we subsist as modern day warriors, living from situation to situation, planning and expecting things to work as per plan. When they don’t, we worry, oblivious to how worry takes over our mind, making us fret […]

Body Buddy

The relationship we have with our body is intrinsic. Our body is the vessel or the residence of our soul. Just as keeping your residence filthy, cluttered, uncleaned and overflowing with trash makes it a rabid, rampant site for all kinds of pathogenic infestations ultimately leading to your eviction, so also abusing your body by […]

Coping With Grief

Life is beautiful and there is much to rejoice for. Yet those who have lost someone they deeply cared for, be it a parent, sibling, friend, partner, child, close relative or even a pet, perceive it as bleak, dark and dismal. Albeit for a temporary phase, they feel anguished, greatly distressed and heart broken, to […]