Terrific Twins Karissa And Kohana!

Twins Karissa and Kohana Bardolivala from Mumbai’s J B Petit High School, doubled the delight, scoring 98% (Karissa) and 97.8% (Kohana) in the ICSE Board exams. Both girls worked diligently and have excelled in academics through their school tenure. Karissa was chosen from the school for the ‘Times Group Student of the Year Award’ in 2018 for […]

Zeus Zend Hits Gold In Arm Wrestling

 Being Parsi is so much about tradition and legacy, across all areas – be it food, career or sport. Keeping alive this very essence of family-cum-community legacy, Zeus Zend, takes after his veteran and legendary grandfather – Zend Merwan Zend – to continue making headlines in the sport of Arm Wrestling, which still continues to […]