From The Editor's Desk

From the Editors Desk

Be Parsi, Buy Parsi! Dear Readers, As a community, we are known and respected for having birthed some of the nation’s and the world’s most accomplished entrepreneurs. Not too long ago, the word ‘enterprise’ was considered synonymous to Parsis in the business context. We proudly lay claim to the world’s greatest industrialist – our very […]

From The Editor's Desk

From the Editors Desk

Why Wait Till The Year End? Dear Readers, As we approach the final phase of 2021, how about we pre-empt those ‘Shoulda–Woulda–Coulda’ (should-have, would-have, could-have) moments that most of us experience during the year-end? These are those moments riddled in guilt, where we regret the lack of initiative and action to achieve those January resolutions […]

From the Editors Desk

Small Things And Little Joys Make A Big Difference Dear Readers, How often do you overlook the small things and the little joys in life because you’re always searching for something more, something bigger? Focusing on the big picture and forgetting to appreciate the little joys leaves us feeling inadequate – in a perpetual state […]