The Darts Of Destiny

There is no supernatural or external being who arbitrarily administers or controls karmic rewards or punishments. We unconsciously produce their seeds ourselves and when the favourable hour arrives, these germinate and yield their own fruit. It is not that some mysterious, super-physical angel, ‘deva’, or God intervenes personally and manipulates karma, akin to a puppet performer […]

Meherbai’s Mandli Goes To A Tea Party!

Kanjoos Kekobad and his even more kanjoos wife, mindhi-Mahazarine, gave a tea party at their house. You see, their surname was ‘Marfatia’, but the entire Mandli called them ‘Mafatia’s as they enjoyed everyone’s hospitality with lunches and dinners, but never invited anyone in return to their house. This time, the Mandli passed a resolution that it was Kanjoos Kekobad’s turn to entertain. […]