In Response

Dear Editor, In PT’s May 28th issue, Kersee Kabrajee worries about the dwindling number of our community and suggests we call ourselves Indian Zoroastrians because we came to India as Zoroastrians and not as Parsis. I wonder in what way it is going to help us increase our population. I also wonder if anybody heard […]

Thank You

Dear Editor and Parsi Times team, I can’t begin to express how grateful I am for the lovely write up you published highlighting the recent past. I am so honoured to be part of such a trend setting newspaper! So many Parsi youngsters have come up to me and congratulated me about this and have […]

Wake Up Call?

Dear Community members, You are probably well aware that our community is heading straight towards extinction in India -according to demographic studies, our number will be down to 20,000 by 2050, if not earlier. So, if you wish to wake up from ‘Khavasni, Pivasni and Suvasni’ (good food, good drinks and good sleep), here’s two […]