Buddhist philosophy refers to the ancient Indian philosophical system of the Buddhist religion. It comprises all the philosophical investigations and systems of inquiry that developed among various schools of Buddhism in ancient India. Buddhism combines both, philosophical reasoning and the practice of meditation. Buddhist religion presents a multitude of Buddhist paths to liberation. Buddhist thinkers […]
Tag: Mind
Kae Lohrasp – The Lord Over Thoughts (Mind)
Kae Lohrasp was an enlightened King and he had the unique gift of astral projection, which means he could be seen in two places at the same time. This makes us a few thousand years ahead of Star Trek! He was a highly evolved soul who used the powers of his manthravani to gain control […]
The Mind and Prayer
Daisy P. Navdar is a teacher by profession and a firm believer in the efficacy of our Manthravani. She is focused on ensuring that the deep significance of our prayers is realized by our youth. She credits her learnings and insights, shared in her articles, to all Zoroastrian priests and scholars whose efforts have contributed […]
Healthy Body, Peaceful Mind And Joyful Heart Make For Happiness!
To live is to desire. The senses create in man diverse desires. Gratification of desires give pleasure, happiness. There are pleasures of the body and the pleasures of the mind that are harmless and there are others by their side that are harmful. Man has to discriminate between those that bring happiness and those that […]
Forever Young In Mind And Spirit
I’ll start with the good news – our minds and spirits never ever grow old; they are ageless, timeless and endless. Our spiritual qualities include kindness, friendliness, humility, gratitude, goodwill, peace, harmony and love. If you generate these qualities in daily life, you’ll always remain young. Those who believe that life is a mere cycle […]
Cultivate A Centered Mind
Ancient Indian literature always referred to the mind as a monkey – jumping from one branch to another i.e. one useless thought to another. To counteract this, the Smritis teach us Mansik-Ekagrata or centering the mind. A centered mind is free of worries and emotions. It is quiet, at peace, concentrated and focused. But it is not […]
તમારા માટે કામ કરે તેવી એનર્જી તમે જ બનાવો
દવાના પિતા સમાન હિપોક્રેટસના વાકયો કુદરતી રીતે સારા થવાની શક્તિ આપણા પોતાનામાં છે. આપણી બીમારીને દૂર કરી હકારાત્મક શક્તિથી મજબૂતાઈ આપવાની જવાબદારી તે આપણી ને આપણી પોતાની જ છે. કેશ્મિરા શૉ રાજ જે રેકી એકસ્પર્ટ, તાઈચી માસ્તર અને ટેરોટ ક્ધસલ્ટન્ટ આપણી સાથે, તમારામાં રહેલી ઉર્જાથી તમે તમારા દર્દને દૂર કરવામાં સફળતા કેવી રીતે મેળવી શકો […]
Make Your Energy Work For You
How To Relieve Yourself Of Physical Pain Any pain tends to be debilitating for the body. Physical suffering can make people change their temperament for the worse. The following tips help alleviate physical pain: Close your eyes and breathe slowly and comfortably for a few minutes or about 36 long and easy breaths. Now […]
The Only Constant In Life Is Change
I have spent more than seven decades on planet earth and have experienced numerous situations during my life. So many young people have died, so many of my age have died and so many people older to me have died. Also, so many who were born rich in life are reduced now to a pitiable […]
Everything Is In The Mind
According to the teachings of Buddhism, the whole Universe, including life and death are in the mind and nowhere else. Mind is revealed as the universal basis of experience – the creator of happiness and the creator of sadness and suffering, the creator of what we call life and the creator of what we call […]
Life Is Hard And Honest Work
Man is born to work and prosper, not to rest and rust. Ahura Mazda is the eternal worker. He has never known rest. Neither has Sraosha, nor have the Amesha Spentas and the Yazatas and the Fravashis. They will all work till time without end. Animals on land and birds in the air and fishes […]