Fixed Deposits Or Mutual Funds?

Fixed Deposits (FDs) and Mutual Funds (MFs) have been the preferred options of investment for most Parsis. Certified Financial Planner and owner of NiveshIndia, Marzee Kerawala defines and explores the basic pros and cons involved in each of these to provide a better understanding and ensure you make growth-oriented, financial decisions. An FD is a […]

Overcome Your Math Phobia

Napoleon had once said, “He who fears being conquered is sure of defeat.” The phobias and fears that one has can always hinder an individual’s success. In both Math and Memory we develop unnecessary tensions and do not get the desired results. While trying to do Math sums, program your mind that “I can do […]

Body Postures And You – II

Continuing our exclusive four-part series on correcting body postures for pain-free health benefits, Parsi Times presents the second part with Physiotherapist Dr. Zahra Hussain, specialist in Orthopaedic and Sports Physiotherapy, and a certified therapist in Kinesiology Taping and Mulligan Therapy. Today we shall elaborate on one of the prime factors responsible for Musculo Skeleton Disorders […]