AIRIA Honors Pilloo Aga

The All India Rubber Industries Association (AIRIA) recently felicitated Financial Director of the Gold Seal Group, Pilloo Aga, with the ‘Award for Outstanding Contribution to the Indian Rubber Industry’ at the All India National Rubber Conference, held in Mumbai. The award primarily recognises her contribution in driving the growth of the rubber industry in India. With […]

Farokh Fravardin – A month of Good Fortune and Happiness dedicated to the Holy Spirit

Fravardin is the first month of the Zoroastrian calendar and very appropriately so because the month is dedicated to the Fravashi or Farohar, which is the prototype of all creation. In the Zoroastrian tradition while invoking Fravardin, we use the epitaph Farokh which means fortunate and happy. In our prayers we recite, “Mah Farokh Fravardin” […]