Calling all our readers to caption this picture! The wittiest caption will win a fabulous prize! Send in your captions at by 8th April, 2020. WINNER: Deepika: Farha Ma’m, please teach me ‘12’ new dancing steps as I think Modiji will ask us to dance for ‘12’ minutes on our balcony at ‘12’ noon, in […]
Tag: Volume 09-Issue 51
Community Support For Iran During COVID-19 Crisis
On March 26, 2020, Yazd Shahid Sadoughi University Of Medical Science, Iran received the second humanitarian package of medical supplies and safety equipment, sent to them through the support of Indian Zoroastrians. Over the past three weeks, two containers of medical supplies had been sent to Iran, that has been facing a major challenge controlling the […]
The Six Secrets Of Well-Being In Difficult Times
A few decades ago, ‘Corona’ referred to a shoe company. I am talking of the days when TV had not yet come to India and hence the only powerful medium of advertising was the radio. Whether it was All India Radio or Radio Ceylon or Vividh Bharati, the ‘Corona’ shoe advertisement blasted like this in […]
Nature’s Nasty Nudge
Welcome, dearest world, to 2020! Fearful, anxious, panic stricken – are we? Think back, to how long we have been plundering, corrupting and marauding it! It took a tiny virus to bring us to our knees, to understand how copiously vulnerable we are, despite all our advancement in medicine research and technology. The globe is […]
The Virus And Hollywood
As the continents (Antarctica excluded) of our planet grapple with the lethal and unseen enemy, one’s thoughts dwell on Hollywood’s fascination for the unknown… While the perils of viral annihilation has been the subject matter of many films, one would have thought that a pessimist genre would not work commercially for the film industry. But […]
Designers at Home: On Ashdeen’s Plate
Writes Ashdeen… “While cleaning my kitchen shelves, I found old decorated plates that I have been collecting for years. Later that day, while shuffling through some old albums, I saw these sepia-tinted photos of Parsi families shot in photography studios. It made me wonder. Had these plates and people ever interacted? Did they have […]
TechKnow With Tantra: SKIT
If you are a stickler for privacy or just curious to know which of your apps does what, install Skit to view the insides of each app. Skit allows you to view, at a glance, detailed information about any app – when it was installed, when it was last updated, what permissions it uses and […]
I Will Go Thy Way, Ahura Mazda!
Angra Mainyu, the Evil Spirit’s one desire is that man should not recognize him and appraise him at his true value. He lurked about me to beguile me into the wrong path. I saw not his deception. My Fravashi, Guardian Spirit, warned me against the danger. But as in vain does the ploughman goad his […]
Letters to the Editor
Thank You BPP for the Truly Helpful Direct Help Line Initiative For The Community The initiative taken up in the current scenario of COVID-19 by all the Trustees of the Bombay Parsee Punchayet is a boon in disguise as on today, without considering all future allegations against them! My mother aged 73 years, is stuck […]
The 101 Names Of Pak Dadar Ahura Mazda – Part I
Every name is real, that’s the nature of names – Jerry Spinelli Starting today, I will be doing a series on the 101 names of Paak Dadar Ahura Mazda. While commonly the 101 names are called ‘names’, they are really attributes or qualities of Pak Dadar Ahura Mazda. When we recite these names, they not […]
Coronavirus: Neither ‘Divinity’s Wrath’ nor ‘Nature’s Vengeance’!
The novel coronavirus is neither ‘Divinity’s Wrath’ nor ‘Nature’s Vengeance’. From a Zoroastrian perspective, this virus is the opposite of all that is good, God-given, life-giving and health-promoting. However, there are all kinds of posts on social media about the coronavirus being ‘Divine Anger’ on mankind and COVID-19 being ‘Mother Nature’s Vengeance’ on human beings! […]