On Saturday 28th May, 2016 Air India and Indian Airlines’ serving as well as retired staff and their guests got together to witness their 70th annual Dae Mahino Jasan. It was held at the Cama Baug (Big Otla). Performed by Ervad Dinyar D. J. Modi and Firoze Navdar, merriment followed the jasan, with Farokh Gotla conducting games of housie, spot prizes, and lucky draws with over 60 prizes given away! Dinner was served by Bhesadia Caterers which concluded the evening’s annual programme. The annual jasan has been made possible due to the untiring efforts of Tehmas Munshi, Armaity Paghdiwalla, Dhunji Ichhaporia, Darayus Modi and Farshogar Guzdar.
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