“Even after all this time, the sun never says to the earth, ‘You owe me.’ Look what happens with a love like that. It lights the whole sky.” – Hafez
God wants to share His love through us, thus making us angels and miracles in the lives of others, but sometimes we get so busy that we overlook the people around us. If we want to live the perfect and immortal life that God has designed for us, we need to imbibe the qualities of Amesha Spentas in our lives. How? In any action, the motivating force should be based on God’s Will, which is provided by Spenta Mainyu. We must also take care of ourselves by making the right choices in life as we need a healthy body to carry out a good deed.
As Spenta Mainyu is in charge of the creation of human beings, it is our duty to look after the less fortunate. “…Power and sovereignty to those who take care of the needy”- Yatha Ahu Vairyo. We should consciously exercise Good thinking (Vohu Manah) in any situation and also use our Good Minds to recognize God’s Will and put it into practice. We should take care of animals, as God gave us dominion over animals to protect them, just the way Zarathushtra took care of animals, who are under Vohu Manah’s protection, by feeding them and not to inflict pain and suffering on them.
By implementing order and righteousness in our daily lives, we thus implement Asha Vahishta. By revering the holy fire and not polluting it, we are taking care of Asha Vahishta’s creation. In our everyday lives, we should use our potential to overcome obstacles around us. Also, man should pay heed to Khshathra Vairya by having the Moral strength and courage to uphold ‘righteousness for the sake of righteousness”- Ashem Vohu. By making good, peaceful use of metals to promote the welfare of our society to bring about prosperity, we are serving Khshathra Vairya.
After following these four guidelines – Spenta Mainyu; Vohu Manah; Asha Vahishta; and Khshathra Vairya – the most important step is to invest the feelings of love, compassion, benevolence, devotion and serenity in all we do, in order to achieve that ultimate Oneness of all beings. We reinforce our belief in unity in diversity, and thus ever living is the quality of this female Amshashpand Spenta Armaiti – Esteemed Piety/Holy Devotion, which leads us to Haurvatat – perfection and thus immortality – Ameretat.
We should perform all deeds with devotion. We must tend to the earth and not pollute the soil. “Armaiti is expressed by our actions which are performed out of benevolent thinking,” – Ahunavad Gatha- Yasna 34:10.
“Armaiti also promotes righteousness”- Ushtavad Gatha, Yasna 44:6.
“A person shall bring to realization the best for His most virtuous Spirit…. Through every act of piety, according to the single understanding: the Wise One is the Father of truth.”- Spentomad Gatha Yasna .47.2
“Let those of good rule, rule over us – not those of evil rule – with actions stemming from good understanding and with piety…” Spentomad Gatha, Yasna.48.5.
The Power Of Love: The key to a successful life is to use love as the ultimate power in our lives, we must express unconditional love as we have never loved before, and fall in love with feelings of compassion towards all. Let us feel the love with all our hearts towards all living beings, let’s take care of our environment. There’s no limit to the amount of love we can feel, it is all inside us! We are made of love, so love as much as you can each day!
What is Zarathustra’s idea of worship? Zarathustra introduces the unique idea that we worship God with His own divine qualities. We worship God’s truth by being truthful, focusing on the truth of love rather than the love of truth. We worship what is right by doing what’s right. We worship His good thinking with good thinking. We worship His benevolence by being benevolent. In short, we worship God in the material world by infusing His divine and benevolent qualities into each thought, word, and action, in the temple of life – in our homes, in the business world, in academia, in government, in the practice of our professions, in our treatment of the environment, in the way we relate to each other, and with all life forms…. A ‘living’ worship in every sense of the word, thus serving the Creator by serving his Creations with love.
Let’s interpret our scriptures to bring about more love, peace, harmony, and acceptance in our world and show empathy towards all living beings through our thoughts, words, and deeds. When you throw a pebble in the pond, you don’t know how far the ripples go, it can even encircle you eventually. So, throw the pebbles of love and kindness in the pond of life, so that when it comes back to you it brings you happiness and immense satisfaction for providing a service with unconditional love.
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