tarot, horoscope, moonsign

Numero Tarot By Dr. Jasvi

. January (Lucky No. 4; Lucky Card: Emperor): You know where your destiny lies, but are still in search of the path. Your healing has begun and soon your health issues will be resolved. Those who wish to pursue higher studies have the universe favouring their dreams. This is the time to chase your goals and […]

tarot, horoscope, moonsign

Numero Tarot By Dr. Jasvi

January (Lucky No. 6; Lucky Card: Lovers): Enjoy the rainbow of happiness, success, victory and satisfaction. Celebrate quality time with family. Clear your confusion. As you sow, so shall you reap. February (Lucky No. 8; Lucky Card: Strength): You can expect a bright sunny month ahead. Any of your pending work will be completed. Try not […]

tarot, horoscope, moonsign

Numero Tarot By Dr. Jasvi

.January (Lucky No. 19; Lucky Card: Sun): You need to resurface and come out of the situation you are currently confronted with. You know your destiny within – just try and focus on searching the right path. This is a good time to initiate new partnerships, as these would be really fruitful. February (Lucky No. 5; Lucky Card: […]