Thou art enthroned on the highest heights, thou art seated in the deepest depths, Ahura Mazda. Thou art in the immensity of space and thou art in the millionth part of the point of a needle. The world is not large enough to hold Thee, the grain of sand is not small to seat Thee. Thou dost swim on the waters of Vourukasha, as Thou dost float on the expanse of a dew drop. The contents of Thy being are in the largest of the large and the smallest of the small. O Thou that art beyond all bounds!
Thou hast Thy celestial mansions in the highest heavens. Thou dost dwell upon the vast expense of the earth and Thou dost abide in the hearts of the righteous persons. Thou art transcendent and Thou art infinitely more sublime and great than Thy creatures. Yet art Thou not so remote and ineffable, as not to be approached and addressed and greeted by Thy ardent worshippers. Thou art not the remote spectator of the world Thou hast created. Thou art immanent and man can enter into close and loving relations with Thee and own Thee as his father and brother and friend.
Thou art all-pervading. There is no conceivable place where Thou art not. Closer than the eyes are to the ears, or the ears are to the mouth, art Thou to all that which the corporeal world thinks and speaks and does.
I need not call Thee, nor need I enquire where Thou mayest be, for Thou, my ever present companion, art with me even before I think of Thee, Ahura Mazda!
- બરોડાની કોન્ટ્રાક્ટર આદરિયાને 102માં સાલગ્રેહની ઉજવણી કરી - 8 March2025
- વિસ્પી ખરાડીએ નવો ગિનિસ વર્લ્ડ રેકોર્ડ બનાવ્યો - 8 March2025
- પારસી મહિલાઓનું સશક્તિકરણ:મહિલા દિવસનું મહત્વ - 8 March2025