Not every film acknowledges the Chief Minister of the state. The small rustic town of Baliya in Uttar Pradesh, is the setting for the lives of four youth of the locality, to intersect. Suraj (Karan Mahavar) has developed a fixation for the sassy Jyoti (Aradhana Jagota); Kadambri (Aditya Kumar) is in the family business of playing the brass band at wedding functions and his close pal Kerry (Satyajaeet Dubey) is a happy-go-lucky guy who is also infatuated with Jyoti.
Director Ashok Yadav gives the UP-based story the usual twist of the youth having grand plans – Kadambri wanting to join uncle Rajesh in his business of breeding pedigreed dogs. The tall, leggy Jyoti has neither
inhibitions nor compunctions and would rather trade her assets for more tangible ones such as a touchphone or a pearl necklace. The rampant crime with arms and ammunition being freely available in UP is shown with both, Suraj and Kerry attempting to do away with each other, in their single-minded
Swear words like ‘c***a’ crop up faster than potholes on Mumbai’s roads. The facetious pun on the title and the newbies as the protagonists/antagonists do little to make ‘K on K’ a workable film.
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