Superb Special Issue!
Dear Editor,
Reading your New Year Special issue was just too good. Parsi Times really captured the theme of Parsipanu perfectly. My full family – wife, mother-in-law, mother, father-in-law, and my 11 years old daughter have all really enjoyed the experience of reading the paper. She even took it to school and showed to her teacher and friends and they thoroughly enjoyed it too. It had the perfect mix of all Parsi elements, right from food, travel, naatak, religion, cars, bikes and the amazing humorous articles – two which stood out were Ruby’s Meherbai’s School Reunion and Khodaiji’s Per-Eeda and Ma-Ghosh.
Much much thanks and wholehearted congratulations to the superb Parsi Times team from me and my family for providing us such an excellent issue and brilliant reading material. We had saved your earlier special issue which was published for Jamshedji Navroz in March which had covered Persia theme, and now this issue too will be saved and kept.
Parsi Times has really come up very fine over the past. Keep up the good work.
Wish all at Parsi Times as well as our blessed community Sal Mubarak!
Rustom Fali Gorwala
Excellent Article On Gathas By Ruby
Dear Editor,
Your issue of August 6th inst carries two articles on our Gathas. Both are wonderful. But please permit me to give my views.
The article by Dara M. Khodaiji is good but on predictable lines. Every year we come across several such articles in the Parsi Press where the meanings of Gathas – Ahunavalti, Ustavaiti, Spenta Mainyu, etc are explained. It was a good effort.
But the article by Ruby Lilaowala goes even beyond that and explains the concept and the meaning of Gathas. She has explained the very concept of the Gathas and its essence. She also tells us why the Gathic conception of God surpasses all that was known of the previous divinities. Her article is pure magic. I shall keep her article in the collector’s item.
While extolling Ruby Lilaowala’s wonderful article, I do not mean to run down Dara M. Khodaiji in any way. He is also a good writer and I read him whenever he writes for Parsi Times.
Rukshana Ghadialy
Wishes Of A Different Kind!
Dear Editor,
NO, NO! I am not going to wish you for the blessings of Ahura Mazda for Health, Wealth and Happiness…
1. It is YOUR responsibility to maintain good Health through proper diet and exercises
2. Wealth or money, only YOU can earn for yourself
3. Happiness is for YOU to generate by being Happy and seeing happiness in happiness of others.
What I’m going to wish you is:
• May you always follow the path of Truth, Righteousness with sense of justice and fair play.
• May you always be kind to the poor and needy of all castes and community.
• May wisdom dawn on you to live daily with high morality and ethics with Good Thoughts and Good Deeds.
• May you always operate through progressive and positive mentality of love, friendliness, trust and optimism…… and shun negative mentality of hatred, anger, violence and pessimism.
• May you act to be a co-worker (Hamkar) of Ahura Mazda to bring peace, happiness and prosperity in the world.
• May you follow the philosophy of life as proclaimed by our Asho Zarathushtra in his Gathas and help spreading his message to the whole world.
Ushta Te!
Kersee Kabraji
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