On 21st August, Rahul Shewale, MP Lok Sabha of the Mumbai South Central constituency, met about 50 Parsis at the Mancherji Joshi Hall at Dadar to celebrate Navroze and discuss the community’s views, issues and solutions. The event was organized by Paurush Sonkar, Digital Marketing Professional, and Sandeep Chivate, social worker and Shiv Sena member from the Dadar-Matunga.
Shewale addressed the gathering praising the community for our contributions and industriousness, and applauded the work done in the field of charity and philanthropy. He asked the crowd to voice their concerns and reassured that he would address these. A number of questions and solutions were discussed including water logging, traffic, trees, noise during festivals, heritage status of the colony, etc. Actor Khurshed Lawyer thanked him for less water logging at Dadar station than previous years and brought up the parking problem and taxi menace at Dadar. Zarine Engineer, grand-daughter of Mancherji Joshi, suggested the restoration of the monthly ALM meetings which had been discontinued. A resident complained about noise pollution due to traffic and festivals thereby disturbing their tranquility and peace. Shewale said, “I am glad to represent the Parsis in any manner and be of assistance. I have my own mobile app on the Android platform – Rahul Ramesh Shewale – which you can download and reach out to me with your issues and sugges-tions. I personally go through these and respond to people and put their queries forward to the relevant officials.”
Shewale got chocolates for the children from the Dadar Athornan and interacted with them. The head priest of the Rustom Faramni Agiary, Kaizad Karkaria felicitated Shewale for having taken time out for the event and listening to the voice of the Parsis. He was felicitated back in return by Shevale. The eve ended with a lagaan nu patru by Taanaz Godi-walla.
- ગણતંત્ર દિવસ - 25 January2025
- 70 વર્ષની ઉંમરેમેહેરનોશ બામજીએ સફળતા મેળવી! - 25 January2025
- ડો. ફરોખ જે. માસ્ટરનું બીજા આંતરરાષ્ટ્રીયઓન્કોલોજી કોંગ્રેસમાં સન્માન કરવામાં આવ્યું - 25 January2025