Thy Will Is The Pole Star Of My Life, Ahura Mazda

Start your weekend with positive vibes with inspirational excerpts from the acclaimed book, ‘Homage Unto Ahura Mazda’ by Dasturji Dr. Maneckji Naserwanji Dhalla of Karachi.

Dasturji Dr. Manekji Naserwanji Dhalla
Dasturji Dr. Manekji Naserwanji Dhalla

Work Thy sovreign will and rule over all as Thou willest, Ahura Mazda, Rule at Thy will in sublime felicity over the waters and over the planes and over the entire creation of righteousness. I will make Thy will the pole star of my life and will think and speak and do as is Thy will that I should.

I will not claim my will as mine, for wayward and erring is my will. My will functions best when it is thine. I will not will what is not Thy will. I will resign my will to conform with Thine.
I will not own my will as mine. It is thine to do what Thou wouldst. I surrender my will to Thine. I submit to Thy will mind and heart, body and soul. Direct me where Thou willest and as Thou willest.

Help me to know Thy will and inspire me to follow Thy will. Prepare me for Thy will that I may do it dutifully. Let Thy will abide in my heart and rule my movements from within, that I may be one at heart with Thee. Zarathustra attuned his will to thine and I will aim at doing what he did, that my will may repose and rest in Thee, Ahura Mazda.

About Dr. Maneckji Naserwanji Dhalla

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