Eat This! Good Food For Your Pooch!

The internet is replete with articles on the myriad human foods harmful to pets. But there are some human foods that are healthy and beneficial to dogs, when fed in moderation. Here we take a list at some foods that can add nutritional value and flavour to your dog’s daily diet.

Yoghurt: An excellent source of calcium, phosphorous, Vitamin B12, zinc, potassium and gut-improving bacteria which fortify the immune system and help your pet live longer.

Bananas: An energising snack, bananas are a great source of potassium essential for maintaining blood pressure and heart function and protecting against atherosclerosis. The banana’s antacid effects protect against stomach ulcers and ulcer damage.

pet-puja3Eggs: A brilliant source of digestible protein for dogs, eggs also contain riboflavin, selenium, folic acid and choline – important for brain function and health. Lutein, a carotenoid thought to help prevent age-related macular degeneration and cataracts, may be found in even higher amounts in eggs than in green vegetables. Ensure to feed your dog cooked eggs only as raw eggs can cause a tummy upset. Chopped up boiled eggs make an excellent training treat for fussy dogs.

Sweet Potatoes: pack a punch with their high levels of beta-carotene, Vitamin B6 and Vitamin C and make a great addition to your dog’s food. To get maximum beta-carotene benefits, it needs to be cooked and eaten with a dash of fat (a teaspoon of olive oil). Its high fibre content can soothe upset tummies. Its sweet taste
makes it popular with most dogs.

Carrots: Another good source of beta carotene, carrots can be cooked in the dog’s meal or given raw to satisfy your dog’s teething needs.

Flax Seeds: is a remarkable source of omega-3 fatty acids – essential to keep your dog’s coat healthy, glossy and the skin moisturised. Omega-3 fatty acids may reduce or stop the need for cortisone shots or steroids in dogs suffering from allergies. They can also heal cracked paws and nails; prevent dry, itchy skin, shedding, and hot spots.

pet-pujaChicken Liver: is a nutrient rich organ meat that most dogs simply adore. It is a good source of protein, Vitamin A, fat, copper, iron, niacin, phosphorus, zinc and essential amino acids. Because of its high concentration of Vitamin A, a dog requires only small quantities of it.

Oats: are a great source of soluble fibre for dogs. Feed your dog a small bowl of oatmeal or mix cooked oats into dry food every few days. Oatmeal is especially good for older dogs as the fibre helps maintain normal bowel movements. It is also an excellent source of grain for dogs that are allergic to wheat. Its high fibre content is excellent at keeping the dog’s cholesterol levels low.

pet-puja1pet-puja2Apples: are packed with vitamins (Vitamin A and Vitamin C) and fibre and the skin is rich in phytonutrients that prevents disease. Be sure to cut away the seeds and core. Apple seeds contain cyanide which may build up in his system if he consumes too many seeds.

Beans: are healthy, low-calorie foods for over-weight dogs. Green beans are a good source of plant fibre, vitamin K, vitamin C, and manganese. If your dog has a tendency to put on weight, then replacing some of the regular food with green beans is a great low calorie way to satiate your pet and keep the pounds off. They can be served thawed or frozen; your dog will love them either way.

It is important to check with your veterinarian before making major changes to your dog’s diet, especially if on any kind of medication. Upsetting the vitamin and mineral balances in your dog’s diet can have negative effects on your dog’s health and some medications interact badly with some nutrients. The aim of most dog owners is to give their dogs the best diet possible. Good nutrition coupled with a health care program may result in extending your dog’s life by as much as 15%. The suggestions above are not meant to replace your dog’s normal, balanced diet.

Shirin Dhabhar

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