Meher, a fourteen year old (name changed for confidentiality purposes) had been wanting a bicycle for her birthday. However, knowing that her parents could not afford one, she never asked. So imagine her delight when her neighbour gifted her one on that day. Meher was overjoyed and kept asking her neighbour how she could possibly have known! She had never told anyone about it. Her neighbour just smiled.
Such is the power of intent. When one honestly sends out true intent to the universe, one receives… a small catch though – it cannot be harmful or cause any ill to others. Intent refers to that intense and strong thought or desire to have or achieve something. When the intent is pure, honest and strong… nothing can come between you and your wish and it will surely manifest positively.
So, how does one turn intent into reality? With positive energy! Positive energy feeds good intent. Any negativity, ill-will or harm causing thoughts will give rise to unpleasant energy. That energy would then send out a negative intent or a ‘psychic attack’ on someone. Simply put, it refers to a person sending negative energy towards another, thereby giving rise to obstacles or problems. Hence, we must transfer and spread positive energy in our intent.
Let’s consider some common instances from our everyday lives:
Case I: Sarosh was keeping his fingers crossed for a raise. He eagerly awaited his increment and kept on praying that he got much more than his co-worker Behram, as he felt he deserved it more. He even hinted this to his boss. Finally Sarosh got the raise, and it was more than Behram’s. But Sarosh didn’t know his boss was initially going to give him a greater raise than this, way more than that compared to Behram. But when Sarosh expressed a desire to get at least more than his colleague, his boss simply complied and saved himself money in the bargain as well! All Sarosh needed to do was to send positive energy to an intent of getting a raise based on his credibility. By comparing himself to his colleague, he lowered his capacity and weakened the strength of his intention. The energy that could have been used to get a much higher raise was lost in trying to outwit another and was thus dissipated.
Case II: Zia was to go out of station and wanted to book tickets on the lower berth in the train. But she repeatedly told her agent not get upper berth seats instead! But after trying, the agent called back saying the only ticket he could manage was the middle or upper berth, no lower berth seats were available. Where Zia went wrong was focusing on the wrong seats – her fear of not getting the lower berth resulted in her spending more mental energy talking of the unwanted seats, when she should have sent out energy intending to attract the preferred seats. All Zia had to do was to focus on what she wanted and tell her agent likewise.
A simple way to lead a positive and healthy life is to first be happy thinking of the positives in your life. If you desire something then your focus should only be on what you want. Do not think about what you do not want.
(Watch out for the concluding Part II next week).