Yatha Ahu Vairyo – The Ahunavar Prayer
The heart and the core of the Ahunavar or the Yatha Ahu Vairyo prayer is Spitama Zarathushtra, for his life is the living expression of this prayer, which centers around eternal truth, love and service to mankind. Zarathushtra personified righteousness and lived only as the Lord required and that is for the uplift and welfare of God’s creation. Looking at the three sets of meaning in the ‘Yatha’:
- A righteous man (Ahu) is the equal of a King (Ratu) who is God’s anointed, which brings us to the thought, only in One is both (Spiritual and Temporal) embodied, and that is in God — the Lord Ahura Mazda
- God’s bounty will surely be his, who is wholly righteous and spends his life helping the weak and the meek, in other words, who lives for God.
- The highest reward for service to mankind will be the strength or power granted to you for still greater service.
These are God’s Truths and repeating them, is to show belief in His Truth. Therefore, calling out the prayer, ‘Yatha’ could well imply, “0 God, my Lord Ahura Mazda! I fervently believe in You and will faithfully honour the truth proclaimed by You my God!”
Nothing draws God’s love and protection more than one’s faith and fervent belief in Him. In the eyes of the Lord, the righteous man is the equal of a King and so is God’s representative on Earth. The one who guides and helps others on to the path of righteousness will receive the Lord’s bounty (Vohu Manu).
A selfish and greedy man denies himself God’s grace and shuts himself into oblivion and unhappiness. If you wish to be happy, then do not fail to see that others around you are happy. Share your knowledge and your art with others and the world will be a better place to live in.