From The Editor’s Desk

From The Editor's Desk

Dear Readers,

It’s been a good, up-beat week for our community, with news from across different fronts bringing in smiles and a general sense of happiness and well-being. And your favourite weekly, as always, is at the forefront, breaking news on our ever so popular Facebook page (, as also ensuring to provide you with the latest and authentic information every Saturday.

Hearty congratulations to our young adults – our school and college students – who have done their parents, their schools and our community proud with their extraordinary success in the Board exams! And Kudos to the parents and caregivers who supported and supplemented this success! As always, Parsi Times celebrates your success with our Community via our Special ‘Parsi Pride Brigade’ Column (Pg.10), so do share your success stories with us (, which will not just fill our Community with a sense of pride in you, but also serve inspirational for your successors.

The week also witnessed the enthronement ceremony of the auspicious Dadgah Saheb at Della Tower by Jimmy Mistry, in a grand function open to all community members. Kudos to Jimmy Mistry for not just organising such a great event, but for also offering a platform that fostered a sense of belonging and unity within community members.

And speaking of community solidarity, all seven Trustees of the Bombay Parsi Punchayet have come together to support the Writ Petition filed in the High Court, disallowing the construction of the Metro Rail tunnel from passing under our sacred Atash Behrams.

It is said, ‘where there is unity, there is victory’. May this brand of unity be blessed and continue to grow and fortify our community as one.

Have a great weekend!


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