The phrase says it all – nagging, persistent, annoying! All of us have at one time or another experienced soreness and stiffness in the neck. The condition at that time may have been resolved with minimal attention. A chronic neck pain however needs medical attention. Proactive steps through exercise and nutrition can help prevent the onset of certain chronic conditions. To save our neck, let’s briefly simple understand its anatomy.
The neck is a delicate structure that holds the weight of the head, which is 11 pounds, roughly 5 kg. 7 vertebrae with 6 intervertebral discs go to make this load bearing pillar. They form the top portion of the backbone known as cervical spine. These 7 vertebrae can be equated to the coaches of a passenger train. The coaches, by themselves, are stiff with no ability to bend. Each coach, i.e. the vertebra is tied to its neighbor by a joint through the intervertebral disc. And this joint allows motion between the coaches.
The disc, a large spongy mass, can be compared to a pillow in between the two bones. It can softly resist the forces placed on the vertebra from the weight and movement of the head. The discs, crucial to spinal stability, function as a cushion, support the other vertebrae, maintain spine flexibility and strength. However, with time and use, the pillow can become flattened. It is common place to hear about degeneration or breakdown here.
The neck is one of the more flexible areas of the body. Wondrous nature allows you the ease of movement enabling a variety of activities in daily life; lowering your chin to the chest to text, throwing your head back in laughter, tilting your head to the right in a kiss, to the left demonstrating interest while listening, turning your head to one side as when you are reversing your car, or checking to see who called out to you. These motions are afforded by the various joints of the cervical spine.
As you grow older, there is breakdown of the normal architecture of the various structures supporting the cervical spine (read muscles, ligaments, tendons, cartilage) resulting in degenerative disease. Abuse in the form of poor posture i.e. poky neck, rounded back, elevated tense shoulders while working unfortunately hastens the process. Additionally, not investing time and energy in strengthening or stretching also accelerates the deterioration. Intervertebral discs can get damaged due to wear and tear over a period of time and overuse, losing their strength and height. Discs no longer remain flexible and begin to affect the normal movements. The result is pain, muscle spasm, reduced neck movements, dizziness, vertigo, etc.
Ensure your neck muscles stay young and healthy by taking these proactive steps:
- Include neck exercises in the warm up segment. Stretch the neck muscles at the end of workout. Strengthen the muscles that surround the cervical spine through weighted shrugs.
- Likewise, good postural habits while reading, writing and using devices go a long way in helping keep degenerative processes at bay.
- Don’t break your neck by smoking. Smoking releases free radicals that weaken the bone making cells.
- A diet rich in protein, fats and omega-3 fatty acids will reduce inflammatory environment within the body.
Lata Rajan
Senior Faculty (Exercise Science)
K11 Academy of Fitness Sciences
Fitness Icon Kaizzad Capadia
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