11-year-old Er. Zal Darius Mody, from Connecticut (USA), was ordained Navar on December 20, 2018, in memory of his grand uncle Er. Sorab Hormusji Mody, at Mumbai’s Cama Baug Agiary. Zal was taught his Navar prayers by his grandfather Er. Keki Mody and guided and mentored for his Navar initiation by Er. Keki Ravji. The son of proud parents, Tinaz and Darius Mody of Connecticut, Zal attends Chapman Elementary School in Cheshire, Connecticut. Zal thoroughly enjoyed his experiences, both culturally and spiritually on his first trip to India. Congratulations to Er. Zal and best wishes for many years in the service of our glorious Zoroastrian religion.
Courtersy Parsikhabar.com
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