TechKnow With Tantra:

Doodle is a simple, new-age tool tool for scheduling meetings on the go! You can schedule 1 on 1 meetings with outside parties, without guessing or asking about availability. You can even open up a time-block on your calendar and allow fixing of appointments on first-come first-serve basis. You can schedule across multiple calendars, work with direct plugins for Google and Outlook Calendars and also avail of advanced integration with Doodle-API. For larger groups of 3+ people, you may invite anyone to take a Doodle poll and they can respond with their availability, no matter what calendar they use. This “universal” access lets all Doodle guests participate, no sign-in required.






Yazdi Tantra

About Yazdi Tantra

Yazdi Tantra’s column is crafted for those of you who enjoy a bit of technology and love finding quirky things to do in this web and mobile savvy world. This entrepreneur celebrates his interest in the field of web based technologies with his columns and other websites like and Community centric Of course, his Parsi Times column is our favourite!

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