Kudos To PT Article ‘Great Music Matters’ (dated 6/5/2017)
Many thanks Parsi Times and Mr. Khushroo Suntook for introducing a new column towards reviving Parsi interest in Western Classical Music. I’m 84 year old and it brings back nostalgic memories of the good old times during the British rule when we regularly used to attend Western music concerts, including one at French Bank Building, which was attended mostly by Parsis and Christians.
The world famous music conductor, ‘Apro Zubin’, once told his son “Why do you keep listening to this Rock ‘n’ Roll stuff? Just for once put on your earphones and listen to Mahlar’s Symphony No. 1 in my cabin and then give me your feedback.” Zubin goes on to add “after about 45 minutes when my son emerged from the cabin there were tears in his eyes.” Such was the impact of Western Classical Music which he had ignored all along.
When I visit my flat in Pune I always make it a point to listen to the likes of greats like Beethoven, Mahlar, Chopin and Sihelius. Our current generation seems to be under the illusion that by ignoring western classical music, which is a legacy from the British, they are like ‘Dudh Ma Sakar’ and have joined the great Indian mainstream!
Adal Subedar (Matunga)
Double Standards
Our community is slowly facing extinction as our numbers are diminishing day by day. Our learned high priests have time and again spoken of preserving our community by avoiding intercaste marriages. One thing which puzzles most of us is the liberty given in this matter to men who marry outside our community, but a woman is very conveniently denied the same! In which book is it written that only a man can marry and continue his legacy by performing the navjote ceremony of his offspring, continue staying with his wife in Baugs/Colonies and enjoy all other facilities. Why such double standards? We have come across many men who perform navjote ceremony only to claim privileges later. Their children are lost following two religions and they feel neither Parsee nor Hindu/Christian etc., as the case maybe. What’s the point when the children are not following our religion but continue taking all privileges just because their father is a Parsee? Is this the way we pretend to safeguard our religion/community hoping that all is well when the truth is for all to see? If women are forbidden, the same yardstick should apply for men. By allowing men to indulge in intercaste marriages, aren’t we as guilty of promoting intercaste marriages ourselves? I request our learned priests to rethink and save our community from intercaste marriages by capping it altogether.
Rohinton Mistry (rohinton27@gmail.com)
Religion Never Causes Conflict!
What is religion? Lots and lots of literature appears in our papers about rituals, dogmas and beliefs that cause conflict and divide the community. What appears on page 3 of Parsi Times, from the book ‘Homage Unto Ahura Mazda’ by Dasturji Dr. Maneckji N. Dhalla of Karanchi is non-contradictory and really inspiring. His words of wisdom appeal to every heart, and bring abundant joy and peace to all. This is true religion. His literature will inspire a traditionalist or a reformist equally – neither will find a reason to contradict. In fact, religion has always been simple enough for the layman to understand, it is the scholars who have misinterpreted the scriptures making them so complicated which misleads the masses. Please understand – Religion Never Causes Conflicts, Whatever Causes Conflicts Is Not Religion.
Piroja Jokhi (piroja.jokhi@yahoo.com)
Bravo On A Brave Editorial!
The Editorial carried by PT in the 22nd April issue, titled ‘This Toxic Sense Of Entitlement’, was indeed a much needed wake up call for our community. I was able to get my hands on the copy very late and hence this late mail. I read and re-read it multiple times, as did my family. I’m sure all those who are genuinely concerned for the growth, longevity and prosperity of our beloved Parsi community would appreciate it. It is truly an inspiring and truthful account about our community. Some of the lines with hard-hitting realities should not go forgotten and I request that these few lines be produced in your Letters section again:
“Most of us have failed our own sense of privilege, and our community.”
“We are so used to our privileges, we have forgotten we could be of use too! This is the poison within our community – this toxic sense of entitlement.”
“The proverbial ‘fire in their belly’ gets doused when they drink at this watering hole of entitlements. We need to face up to the fact that these entitlements is not the watering hole, it is the crocodile at the watering hole.”
And finishing off with Abraham Lincoln’s quote, “You have to do your own growing, no matter how tall your grandfather was.”
Bravo on a fearless and brave editorial. Thank you for your honesty. Wish Parsi Times the best in future.
Banoo Mancherjee and family (New Delhi)
Touching Mother’s Day Article By Ruby
PT’s ‘Maa Tujhey Salaam’ by Ruby Lilaowala in last week’s PT brought tears to my eyes as I’ve recently lost my mother. As Ruby suggested in the article, I kissed my mom’s photo and wished that I’d been more loving and kinder to her in her last days. Ruby, with her pen and brilliant writing, can make readers cry with such articles. At the same time, she can also make us laugh till our bellies hurt with her Meherbai series! Truly, a gifted writer!
Rukshana Ghadialy (rukshanaghadialy@yahoo.in)
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