
Dear Readers, The pleasantly cold wave that has graced Mumbai over the past week has brought in much relief to us all. It gets quite nippy, especially in the baugs and the burbs, but we’re good with that because it’s a welcome change from the usual sweat and grime. Just like the rains were a […]

An Exciting December Ahead!

Dear Readers, The festive season is always the best part of the year, especially for our small but fun-loving, close-knit community. A large number of our ‘vhalas’ – relatives and loved ones – return and converge in Aapru Bombay to enjoy all the festivities – from lagans and navjotes to some of the very best, fab and fun events the community has to […]

Here’s to New!

Dear Readers, “Isn’t it cute how you Bombay bawajis think you’re experiencing ‘winter’ when the mercury bothers to drop by half a degree!” quipped a fellow Parsi residing in the capital. Yes, yes, we get it. Mumbai is known for its unrelenting heat and humidity, and maybe ‘Bombay Winters’ is an oxymoron, but I assure […]

USA Trumped!

Dear Readers, On 6th November, 2024, Donald Trump was elected as the 47th President of the United States, marking his second, non-consecutive return to the White House, after a 4-year hiatus, to resume his position as the person heading the world’s most powerful office. As is the case in all democratic elections, there’s a whole […]

Showers Of Wisdom

Being nature worshippers, we pray to the forces of nature and we learn from them. We worship fire, our sanctum sanctorum holds our beloved ‘Atash Padshah Saheb’. Fire teaches us purity, and related virtues like truth and goodness. We pray to numerous water bodies – oceans, seas, wells – symbolizing ‘Ava Yazad’. The oceans have […]