વાપીઝ જહાંગીર દિનશા પંડોલ આશ્રયસ્થાનનું ઉદ્ઘાટન

એક અનોખી, ખૂબ જ જરૂરી સમુદાય સેવા પહેલ વૈદશકોથી સમુદાયના સભ્યોની જરૂરિયાતોને પૂર્ણ કરતી સમર્પિત સમુદાય સેવાઓ માટે જાણીતી સમુદાયની અગ્રણી સંસ્થા, વાપીઝ એ 17 ડિસેમ્બર 2024 ના રોજ એક અનોખી સુવિધા – ધ વાપીઝ જહાંગીર દિનશા પંડોલ આશ્રયસ્થાનનું ઉદ્ઘાટન કરીને તેની ગૌરવપૂર્ણ સેવા કેપમાં વધુ એક પીંછું ઉમેર્યું. આ એક પ્રકારનું, સમુદાય આશ્રયસ્થાન ત્યજી […]

Painkillers For Bone Related Pain

– Why One Should Avoid Self Medication – Dr. Kaiwan Randeria Dr. Kaiwan Randeria is an Orthopaedic Surgeon holding a Fellowship in Joint Replacements. You can reach him for various Arthritis, Joints, Spine and Musculoskeletal related ailments, on email: drkaiwan94@gmail.com On a hot Sunday afternoon, Soli and Sohrab were relishing their favourite brand of Raspberry, […]

Lions Club Of Byculla Executes Vision Impaired Project With XRCVC

On 23rd December, 2024 Lions Club of Byculla, visited Xavier’s Resource Center for the Visually Challenged (XRCVC), where Arin and Percy Master donated Rs. 50,000/- to Dr. Sam Taraporewalla for purchase of required equipment. Dr. Taraporewalla and his team, who are dedicated to research and advancement for helping the visually impaired, explained how the advanced […]

Dr. Hozie Dara Kapadia Elected New IMA National Vice President

The Indian Medical Association (IMA) elected senior physician, Dr. Hozie Dara Kapadia, as the National Vice President, Indian Medical Association (IMA) Headquarters at a glittering ceremony at IMA Hyderabad. With a practise spanning over five decades, Mumbai-based Dr. Kapadia was former President of IMA Maharashtra (2018-19) and Mumbai branch (1997-98). He has also served as President of […]

Spenta And Angra Mainyu: Twin Spirits Of Creation (Part II)

Adil J. Govadia As explained earlier, Spenta and Angra are the two impersonal and universally opposing primeval spirits or Minos (Shaktis), while man’s endeavour is to convert his Angra-tainted Urvan (soul) into the Spenta-enlightened spiritual light of Wisdom. Thus, over several rebirths, man learns from experience and wisdom to practice Humata (good thoughts), Hukhta (good […]

FEZANA Awards At 18th North American Zoroastrian Congress

FEZANA, the Federation of Zoroastrian Associations of North America, and the Zoroastrian Association of Houston launched the 18th North American Zoroastrian Congress, themed: ‘Generation Z: Propelling Zarathushti Resurgence’, spread across four days starting 29th December, 2024, at the Royal Sonesta Hotel in Houston. Attended by over 750 participants and over 60 speakers from across the world […]