On 21st August, Rahul Shewale, MP Lok Sabha of the Mumbai South Central constituency, met about 50 Parsis at the Mancherji Joshi Hall at Dadar to celebrate Navroze and discuss the community’s views, issues and solutions. The event was organized by Paurush Sonkar, Digital Marketing Professional, and Sandeep Chivate, social worker and Shiv Sena member […]
Category: Community News
Kainaaz Bharucha Wins WAPIZ Raffle
Kainaaz Bharucha of Captain Colony won the Raffle organized by WAPIZ in a lucky draw took place on Khordad Sal at the WAPIZ Office. Trustee Meher Panthaki picked the lucky winning raffle ticket, after being blindfolded, to ensure maximum transparency (uploaded on Facebook). WAPIZ organized this Raffle through July and August 2016, where a purchase […]
Amicable Settlement Between BPP And MMS
An amicable settlement was reached between BPP Trust and the Mumbai Mazdoor Union acting on behalf of the workmen on 25th August, 2016. Though the signing of the final settlement took time, a good agreement has been signed for a three year period (January, 2015 to December 2017). For the first time, BPP Chairman, Yazdi […]
Soaring High – Pervin Gandhi
Pervin Gandhi, a chartered accountant by profession, is associated with Ahmedabad University as a Senior Lecturer (Finance and Accounting), was selected to present her research paper on ‘Mergers and Acquisitions and Financial Development: Evidences from India and China’ at the International Conference for Academic Disciplines at Harvard University, Boston on May 23 – 27, 2016. […]
Dhanbaiwadi Celebrates Independence Day
The residents of Dhanbaiwadi Parsi Colony, Vile Parle (W) celebrated Independence Day on 15th August, 2016, organized by the children, who pride themselves as the ‘Desi Tadka Group’! They hoisted the National Flag and sang the National Anthem, followed by other patriotic songs, under the guidance of Dr. Mahanaaz Bomanjee. Khurshed Bhada delivered a speech […]
Dossibai Old People’s Home Celebrates Khordad Saal
The Dossibai Old People’s Home (at Masina Hospital Campus), Byculla celebrated Khordaad Saal on 21 August, 2016, with a jasan ceremony organised by the Trustees, followed by Karaoke music and foot-tapping Bollywood numbers presented by Tehmtan and Shernaz Dumasia and their team. The event was attended by the Trustees, well-wishers and the residents of the […]
PAD Celebrates Independence Day
True to its tradition, 112 year old ‘Parsi Ambulance Division’ celebrated the 70th Independence Day by hoisting the National Flag on 15th August, 2016 at the Parsi Ambulance Division Headquarter building, opposite Metro Cinema.
Navroze Celebrations At Delhi Parsi Anjuman
On Saturday August 20, 2016, the Delhi Parsi Anjuman celebrated a warm heartfelt Navroze with the Parsi community getting together to eat, drink and be merry. The Parsi community in Delhi, though small, tries its best to bring in all festivals and other occasions with a feeling of harmony and fun. Though aced with long […]
Gamadia Girls Spend Time With Seniors
The Class VIII students of Bai M. N. Gamadia Girl’s High School recently visited the home for the aged, ‘Gamadia Clinic’ at Tardeo and entertained its fifty-two (men and women) residents. Offering them jalebis and pakodas, as well as singing melodies from the golden era, the Gamadia girls managed to bring a smile on every […]
BTBWA’s Religious Outing
The Bandra Tata Blocks Welfare Association (BTBWA) organized a visit to the four Atash Behrams across the city on 31st of July, 2016. Commencing with Banaji Atash Behram at 8:00 a.m. followed by Atash Behram at Fanaswadi, the group of fifty further visited Anjuman Atash Behram and Wadiaji Atash Behram. They also visited the Cama […]
ZTFI Celebrates New Year At Parukh Dharamshala
Team ZTFI (Zoroastrian Trust Funds of India) celebrated Parsi New Year with the residents at Parukh Dharamshala (Mumbai) on the 15th of August 2016, with over 75 senior citizens who had a fun time at the event. ZTFI Trustee Yasmin Jal Mistry started off with greetings, and handed sweets and gifts to all the residents, […]