Dear Readers, There are three pillars which uphold the existence, stability and longevity of a community, its proverbial legs which keep it aloft and thriving – especially for a community as minuscule as ours. The first pillar is ‘Unity’ – the very core of every community, the ability to stay as one, speak in one […]
Category: Editorial
Hope Reigns Supreme
Dear Readers, Life is a cycle – we all live through our share of ups and downs. We are grateful for the ups and we hang on to hope when we are left scraping the underbelly of those downs. The universe has its reasons, or maybe not. Either way, when we find ourselves in the […]
Seek Help For Mental Health
Dear Readers, An unfortunate trend that has been on the rise in our community is a deterioration in mental health and an increasing need for appropriate help to restore it. Unlike what one might assume, this truth is no longer relegated to merely the ‘older’ section of community members. While an increase in mental health […]
To Teachers, With Love… And Thanks!
Dear Readers, The single most important factor which determines the wellbeing and evolution of a civilised society, a conscientious nation and a progressive world, is education. Educators, therefore, are revered as crucial architects of a peaceful present and a thriving future. We owe much to our teachers. Their influence in our lives extends way beyond […]
Kudos Diana!
Dear Readers, What a wonderful start to the New Year for the community, with tall feathers being added to the proud Parsi cap, keeping alive our legacy of illustrious achievement. Of course, I speak of our very own ‘speed-savant’ Diana Pundole, whose extraordinary achievement has been the toast of the community and the nation, making […]
Khordad Sal Mubarak!
Dear Readers, I thank you all, on behalf of Team PT, for your encouraging feedback on our Parsi New Year Special Issue. It brings us as much joy, as it provides direction for our onward journey and services for the community. We hope the New Year has started on a positive note and will continue […]
સાલ મુબારક!
પ્રિય વાચકો, સમુદાયના સૌથી શુભ અવસરની ઉજવણીનો મૂડ જે ઉત્સવની ભાવનાને વધુ વેગ આપવા માટે, અમારી કેન્દ્રીય થીમ તરીકે હેપ્પીનેસની ઉજવણી કરતા અમારો બમ્પર સ્પેશિયલ પારસી ન્યૂ યર સ્પેશિયલ ઇશ્યૂ તમને પ્રસ્તુત કરતાં મને ખૂબ જ આનંદ થાય છે. શું આપણે આ કલ્પિત, અનન્ય પારસી સંસ્કૃતિમાં જન્મ લેવા માટે ભાગ્યશાળી નથી! આપણી સંસ્કૃતિ કરતાં અનોખું […]
Saal Mubarak!
Dear Readers, It gives me immense pleasure to present you our Bumper Special Parsi New Year Special Issue, celebrating ‘Happiness’ as our central theme, to further boost the celebratory mood and festive spirit of the community’s most auspicious occasion. Aren’t we a lucky lot to be born into this fabulous, unique Parsi culture! The only […]
Clean Homes, Hearts And Minds…
Dear Readers, Entering the month of August is always exciting for Parsi households – with the auspicious Parsi New Year just around the corner, with much festivity to look forward to, as we joyfully prep up our homes and our hearts, to welcome it all… starting with the ten sacrosanct Muktad days, which commence on […]
Rain Check?
Dear Readers, Every year, Mother Nature showers us with unmistakeable reminders when we get a bit wound up about the smaller things of life – like ourselves. As the IMD starts issuing its rainbow alerts, the monsoon season flexes its muscles and washes away any false sense of self-aggrandisement that we may have unwittingly or […]
Tighten The Lose Threads
As a community, we have always prided ourselves for being close-knit. We have taken the effort to stay collectively connected, via various community events – religious, cultural, social, et al. We are also blessed as one of the more progressive communities, being open with our parents or the elderly, as compared to most other communities… […]