Renovated Seth S J Sodawaterwala Dharmashala Reopens At Udvada

The Udvada Samast Anjuman is pleased to offer the services of the newly renovated ‘Sodawaterwala Dharamshala’ at Jhanda Chowk, Udvada, to our dear community members, under the new management of Hilla Marolia of ‘Farohar Caterers’. With the benevolence of Scylla Vatcha and the trustees of ‘Maneckbai Jeejeebhoy Deed of Settlement Fund’, the Dharamshala is now […]

‘In Search Of My God’

. Yatha Ahu Vairyo – The Ahunavar Prayer The heart and the core of the Ahunavar or the Yatha Ahu Vairyo prayer is Spitama Zarathushtra, for his life is the living expression of this prayer, which centers around eternal truth, love and service to mankind. Zarathushtra personified righteousness and lived only as the Lord required […]