‘USHTA AHMAI YAHMAI USHTA KAHMAICHIT’ – Ushtavad Gatha, meaning, ‘HAPPINESS & PROSPERITY BE UNTO THAT PERSON THROUGH WHOM HAPPINESS REACH OTHERS!” “Ahura Mazda spoke unto Spitaman Zarathushtra: I created the holy immortal Khordad for Happiness and pleasure to help righteous men.” (Khordad Yasht 4.1) “O Ahura Mazda! May we become worthy of long life in […]
Tag: Ashem Vohu prayer
Finding Our Purpose: From Good To Righteous Action
We have been told from an early age to “do Good” and practice Good thoughts, Good words and Good deeds. But, what really is ‘Good’? And, why do we have to do this so-called ‘Good’? In our Zoroastrian religion, we are told to practice ‘Humata, Hukhta and Hvrasta’; even our Ashem Vohu prayer says, “Doing […]